
About Us

Meet the Risi's

The Risi family is a local, tight knit family, with roots in the Youngstown area that extend to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas and yes, Italy. Our blended families' roots run back to the Abruzzo, Campania, and Calabria regions of Italy. One of our favorite things to do, has been to have friends and family over to our house, to enjoy dinners together and make memories. We believe that in today's 24/7, non-stop world, that taking time to break bread together as a family, and with friends, allows us to connect at intimate levels that are being over looked. We started this journey with a pizza oven on our deck, and have grown it to a Mobile Pizza Bar and now our first brick and Mortar. Here we can serve more than just pizzas. We can bring you our time honed family recipes that we love so much. With our dining room now able to seat nearly 50 people, and our private party room that seats nearly 20 people, it is our joy and honor to serve you and your family. We hope you will now join us in this venture of ours, where we promise, that if we would not serve it to our own family, we will not serve it to you. Come and let us take care of your dinner, while you take care of the family and friends that mean the most to you.


Joe and Amy Risi

(and all of our Family)

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